The Collective

The Collective

Staying Awake Together

We are experiencing a global awakening. The earth, the cosmos, source consciousness, are whispering to us all. It is time for us to come together to fine tune our subtle listening skills, to remember who we truly are, to embrace our superpowers, and to step into our high vibration selves by embodying our gifts of remembrance and by being in service to humanity.   

By coming together to share this channeled wisdom freely, in service to & in devotion to the awakening of humanity our awakening hearts magnify love and abundance within us and all around us creating a network, a web of luminous beings. Like Indra’s Web we are connected by a golden thread that allows us to reflect back to one another the magnificence that we all are and provides a solid support system for us to step into the greatest version of ourselves and in turn to realize our dreams. THIS is the movement.

"Awakening like enlightenment is a process, not a destination. It’s how we breathe unconditional love into our lives and all those in it. "

Collective Awakening

As we awaken collectively to the truth of who we are, to our gifts and our purpose in this life, we have a unique opportunity to realign our lives. To rebirth ourselves into the lives we have always known we were meant to be living. And to do this we embrace our awakening hearts and breathe love into our lives by aligning our gifts with our ability to serve others in a way that enables them to do the same. Together we move from scarcity to abundance, from loneliness to community, from doing it alone to support and friendship. 

And this requires various tools and wisdom teachings to keep our bodies, minds and spirits in energetic balance. Energetically, our work begins by balancing the masculine and feminine aspects of ourselves. We hone our ability to see through the veils of illusion so that we can step out of fear and suffering. We utilize wisdom teachings and practices that have been proven to support our bodies and spirits in this process. And we gather in support of one another where we create safety around being fully seen and heard so that we can trust our innate wisdom, our intuition and the whisperings of our dharma from the ineffable source of everything.

Living From the Heart

This is a remembering.

Anxiety, depression, worthiness, scarcity, meaninglessness, anger, hatred. We have forgotten who we are and why we are here. We have forgotten our gifts and how sharing them gives us superpowers. We have forgotten that everything is energy and vibration and that the universe will naturally support our dreams. We have forgotten to live from the heart.

Join the Awakening Heart Collective

Monthly Gatherings, Seasonal Celebrations,

Group Ceremonies and Integration Circles

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Together we Rise!

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I promise never to share your information or to send you anything other than inspiration and Love.

Interested in going even deeper?

        The Inner Circle

A Collective of Female Leaders and Change Makers.

More info
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